Here are her stats:
Weight: 20 lbs (20th percentile)
Length: 30 inches (40th percentile)
- She loves to read (be read to). Elle will easily read 10 books in a row and most likely ask for more!
- She is very friendly out in public - waves hi, says "hello", blows kisses, and waves good bye, says "bubye" to just about anyone whether they are looking at her or not. However, is not a fan of any stranger invading her personal space.
- Naps one time a day - naps will last from 45 min. (on a bad day) to 2 hours (on a good day). Uses a pacifier only during bed-time, which she calls "pass". Gives us her "pass" as soon as she sees us come to get her.
- Night-time sleeping is pretty inconsistent. Avg. wake ups per night is 2, but does sleep through the night every once in a while. She usually sleeps for approx. 9-11 hours.
- She eats using a fork with ease. Loves all fruit, not a huge fan of veggies, likes meat and fish(chicken, brats, turkey hot dogs, tamales, salmon, haddock, and cod). Drinks a lot of milk!
- Can catch a ball all by herself.
- Loves to go to the park. Swinging is her favorite!
- Loves to go to the pool.
- Talks a lot. Repeats what we say. Words that she says daily: airplane, lawn mower, please, thank you, up, down, more, mom, dad, milk (she says "milt"), pass, out, help, noise, hippo, ball, tubby, swing, happy, clap, head, nose, hooray, yikes, wow, um (I guess I say "um" a lot)...that's all I can think of for now.
- loves to sing along to "If Your Happy and You Know It" - she knows all of the actions and does them right on cue, also likes, "I'm a Little Teapot" - likes to tip at the end. Another favorite is "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" - she knows every body part mentioned.
- She will dance when ever she hears music.
- likes to be bounced on our exercise ball.
- likes to be chased (she brings us her popper and has us chase her with it), likes hide-and-seek.
- likes to help cooking and baking (especially mixing things) as well as cleaning (especially sweeping...she has her own little broom).
Needless to say, she keeps us on our toes and we love every second of it!