Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A tooth in 2008

That's right, Ellison's first tooth appeared yesterday! This explains her constant need to put everything in her mouth (including our fingers) and bite down - which now hurts. Sorry, no picture yet, but I will do my best to get our camera zoomed into her little mouth as soon as she lets me.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas was so Merry!

Ellison was looking for Santa
Cleaning up for Christmas with Grandpa Jerry

going for a little ride

On Christmas Eve day, Elle helped Jonathan open an early Christmas present

Spending time with Grammy Laurie
just being cute

Christmas morning

looking in her stocking
So many wonderful gifts...

looks like she was on Santa's "nice" list

Elle showing Grammy how her new toys work

checking the durability of the ornaments

what a big girl

someone has stinky feet

being gentle with the Christmas cactus
Jonathan and I with the winter wonderland (Jer & Laur's backyard) backdrop!
What a beautiful Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Her new thing

Ellison has been making this cute gesture lately where she makes a face while tilting her head and raising her shoulder and arm. She knows she is being silly. We can't help but laugh at her which only encourages her to play up her cuteness even more...here is a little photo shoot where she was doing her "thing"!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2 cute videos

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Socks are fun

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hanging out and working on standing!

Our little mover and shaker doesn't sit still very often (she really never has). Even eating time is a challenge, it's like trying to hit a moving target. Speaking of moving, Ellison rather work on standing and walking than crawling...we think she is going to be skipping the crawling thing altogether.
Elle is in awe of the whole Christmas season, she loves it all: the tree, the lights, the ornaments, stockings, jingle bells, Christmas songs, and wrapping paper. Jonathan and I have been enjoying this special time with her leading up to her first Christmas! We can't wait to give her her presents!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So much to be thankful for

Here's another comparison picture for you:

7 months

3 months
*The reason Elle has a swimsuit on in the middle of November is because we have been going to family swim at the YMCA the last couple Saturdays. Ellison really seems to like the pool (the downtown Y has a 90 degree therapeutic pool).
We toss a beach-ball around which she really loves. She would like everyone to know she has been working on her cannon-balls, and she thinks she will have the perfect splash down for Summer '09. As for the size of her thighs, they seem to be staying the same...possibly wearing a bikini will take the attention off her lower half and the eye will focus on her cute tummy! ha ha