Monday, February 7, 2011

Pics from my birthday (3 weeks ago)!

Elle and I with the cake she helped make!

Elle had to make sure the frosting was ok to put on the cake, I think it passed the test!

Elle was done with the beater and onto the bowl. She loves helping her Grammy, plus they both share a love for frosting.

Elle posing with her new hair cut (from Grammy) and new My little Pony making the Taylor Swift heart hands (she thought of this pose and placement of pony on her own).

-in case you didn't know what the Taylor Swift heart hands looked like

Laur, Nolan and Jer
(Nolan had a tight grip on Laur's hair)


Katie said...

Cute! They did that heart/hand thing at the library today - we missed you!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday! :)