Sunday, December 12, 2010

5 months old with 4 month stats and comparison pics of Elle

By far, the best present we will get this year!

Nolan and Marcy
(nice roaring fire in the background by J)

Check out the big boy in the high-chair

Comparison pic of Elle in the same outfit HOWEVER she was 9 months when she wore it! Noli after his 4 month appointment

Nolan's 4 month well visit info:
- weight 15 lbs 10 oz (55%)
- 25 1/2 inches (55%)
- Head circumference 41.5 cm (25%)
- Nolan's appointment went great, he only cried for a brief moment after his shots We were given the go-ahead to start cereal and baby food.

Other things about Noli:

- rolled over from stomach to back once, because he majorly dislikes being on his stomach - which is mostly my fault for not putting him on his tummy, since he spits up so much

- still spits after every feeding, sometimes it's a little, sometimes it's a lot. (Elle was the same way)

- No signs of teeth yet. (Elle didn't get her first tooth until 8 months)

- loves to watch Elle, he always hears her coming and immediately is looking for her

- loves being in the Baby Bjorn

- he is constantly reaching/grabbing everything, loves being in the exersaucer and in the rain forest play mat/gym

- loves to talk, and once he gets started he can't stop

- he does great in the bath, kicks and splashes the whole time

- wakes up in the morning happy and talking

- still a great sleeper, loves to nap in his car seat, takes shorter naps in his crib

- sleeps at night from 6:30 pm - 6:30 am (approx). Wakes up once or twice a night, I will give him his pacifier if it's before 2am, if it's after I will feed him. He will ONLY fall asleep and sleep in his car seat or crib.

- Nurses 5 times a day - 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 2am (these times can vary 30min-1hr depending on the day and nap times). I don't ever wake him to feed him.

- Uses pacifier to fall asleep most of the time, it falls out within about 5 minutes of falling asleep. Other than that, he rarely wants it.

- Barely fitting in size 6 month clothes. Recently in size 3 diapers - he was blasting out the size 2 (For 2 reasons; they were a little small and breast milk acts like a laxative with my kids. Like Elle at this age, Nolan has bowel movements after/during almost every feeding - very regular.)

- He is a very happy, easy, and cuddly baby.

There are only a few things the 2 kids share at age of 4 months, their looks and our love for them... Pics of Elle below when she was 4 months!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I know it's been a while since I've seen him when he seems SO BIG in photos! He just keeps getting cuter! We MUST get together over my "Christmas break!"