Thursday, December 16, 2010
Eating, decorating Christmas stuff, more eating, and the funny things Elle says
Sunday, December 12, 2010
5 months old with 4 month stats and comparison pics of Elle
- 25 1/2 inches (55%)
- Head circumference 41.5 cm (25%)
Other things about Noli:
- rolled over from stomach to back once, because he majorly dislikes being on his stomach - which is mostly my fault for not putting him on his tummy, since he spits up so much
- still spits after every feeding, sometimes it's a little, sometimes it's a lot. (Elle was the same way)
- No signs of teeth yet. (Elle didn't get her first tooth until 8 months)
- loves to watch Elle, he always hears her coming and immediately is looking for her
- loves being in the Baby Bjorn
- he is constantly reaching/grabbing everything, loves being in the exersaucer and in the rain forest play mat/gym
- loves to talk, and once he gets started he can't stop
- he does great in the bath, kicks and splashes the whole time
- wakes up in the morning happy and talking
- still a great sleeper, loves to nap in his car seat, takes shorter naps in his crib
- sleeps at night from 6:30 pm - 6:30 am (approx). Wakes up once or twice a night, I will give him his pacifier if it's before 2am, if it's after I will feed him. He will ONLY fall asleep and sleep in his car seat or crib.
- Nurses 5 times a day - 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 2am (these times can vary 30min-1hr depending on the day and nap times). I don't ever wake him to feed him.
- Uses pacifier to fall asleep most of the time, it falls out within about 5 minutes of falling asleep. Other than that, he rarely wants it.
- Barely fitting in size 6 month clothes. Recently in size 3 diapers - he was blasting out the size 2 (For 2 reasons; they were a little small and breast milk acts like a laxative with my kids. Like Elle at this age, Nolan has bowel movements after/during almost every feeding - very regular.)
- He is a very happy, easy, and cuddly baby.
There are only a few things the 2 kids share at age of 4 months, their looks and our love for them... Pics of Elle below when she was 4 months!