Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ellison's 1 year stats and more

Ellison's 1 year appointment with her new pediatrician went great! She was not a fan of the shots, however, she is in excellent health and impressed her doctor with her developmental skills!
Weight: 18 lbs 8oz (10%)
Length: 28 1/2" (30%)
Head: 46 cm (75%)
"the sun never sets on cool"
Elle had a great time splashing in this puddle in our driveway (she even decided to sit in it - which is why her onesie is majorly sagging)

We went to Wausau for Mother's Day weekend:

a kiss from Cousin Eddie (Uncle Erik's dog)
she loves to swing!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thanks for having us over the other night! It was great to spend some time with some old friends. The next time we get together we might have a little one too!

Oh and I love the pictures of Elle in her swing. She is too cute.