Thursday, January 22, 2009

9 months

The skinny on our minnie @ 9 months:
  • she always has tons of energy

  • loves to walk around holding onto our fingers and pushes cart on own

  • pulls self up to furniture and walks along it

  • happy most all of the time - but has a little attitude and can be quite sassy

  • very good eater - still nursing 4-5 times a day. Eats pretty much anything we give her (she begs for our food all of the time like a little puppy) drinks water on own from sippy cup, and loves to pick up cheerios, puffs, pieces of banana, apple on her tray all by herself.

  • she loves her books: being read to, turning the pages, and touching different textures/opening flaps etc.

  • she has 2 teeth (on the bottom)

  • can be very scared/concerned with noises (ex. airplanes, sirens, cars driving by, the vacuum, the hair dryer, blender, garbage disposal...)

  • still not a good sleeper/napper, takes two half hour (sometimes 45 min. or an hour) naps a day. Goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up 2-3 times at night, finally being awake for the day around 7am.

  • not much of a cuddler, but likes to have her parents very near by (a little clingy)

  • has a lot to say and screams at stuff but mostly "da da da da" says "all da" (all done) when she is done nursing. She'll point at something and we'll tell her what it is, such as "that's a bunny" and she'll say "da" (it's her response to most everything).

  • loves to play hide and seek and peek-a-boo!


Brandon and Dana said...

Omi is she ever growing! I love all of your new picts. I hope all is going well for you guys!!

Jen said...

I can not believe she is already 9 months! Love the update. Anything new with the move?

Jenny said...

Are you going to update? It's been a long time (or it sure feels like it)