Wednesday, August 27, 2008

4 month doctor appointment

Elle weighed in at 13 lbs 4 oz and was 23 1/2 in. in length! These stats put her in the 46th percentile for weight, and 29th percentile for length. Our doctor said her weight gain was perfect. He said we could start introducing her to cereal once a day...videos to come soon! When we were talking with our Dr., Ellison joined right in on the conversation. He could see she had developed quite a personality since the last time he saw her (2 months). When he checked her ears, eyes, mouth, and heart/lungs, she was so good, she sat very still and observed. He said he would give her an 'A' for her check-up! Her shots also went well, she only cried a little when each shot went in (Jonathan and I held it together the best we could while singing the ABC's to her). We are so proud of her. She got a Tinker Bell sticker for being such a good girl!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a growing machine. Feeding cereal is fun and hilarious the first time... then it's just plain messy!