Monday, February 8, 2010

Princess dress, tent, and ABC's

I have been slacking big time on blogging lately...but here are a couple pictures, plus a video to catch everyone up on what Ellison has been up to. The pictures below are from a recent stay in Wausau at my parent's house.

This is one of the many articles of clothing we have recently received from my cousin's family. This dress is Ellison's favorite, she calls it her "princess dress". She just so happens to be waving around her "princess wand" too!

Elle in her private tent. Only a few specific things were allowed inside (I was not one of them). *Notice her "big sister - to be" shirt made by our friends Katie and Danielle.

Ellison loves her new blocks (a Valentine's gift from my cousin Liz), but the bag was just as much fun.

Some quiet time reading books. I love when she does this!

FINALLY! After months of trying to record her singing one of her many songs, I caught her while singing the ABC's. She was already on her 5th time through singing them, but I asked her to start over and sing to her turtle, so she didn't mind me holding the camera! She loves watching herself sing, and sings along with her video.
-We will be sending this video to the American Idol crew as one to watch for in 15 years!


Katie said...

Glad the shirt fits! She looks so adorable in that pink dress - pink is really her color!!!

Jen said...

That is probably the cutest version of the ABC's I've ever heard. I especially like the improv at the end.

Seriously. We need to get together!

Brian and Amie said...

Its crazy how much she's looking like you both you guys. A perfect little combo!