Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cute, Cute, Ugly!

Here are a bunch of super cute pictures from today. Jenna and Jack (7 weeks) came over this morning to hang out. Jack had fun watching his cousin Elle in action. Elle enjoyed helping her Aunt Jenna hold the bottle to feed Jack, she also watched very closely as Jack got his diapers changed.

Jack and Elmo meet!Jack did a great job in Elle's Bumbo seat for his first time! He took it home with him to work on his posture!
Of course Ellison had to get in the Bumbo too! We hid it for a while because it had become a little bit of an obsession, so when I got it out today she was so happy to sit in it. She still fits great, but she can tip it over to get out in a matter of seconds.

"I don't want to get out"

The cute stuff was up there, now prepare yourself for the UGLY...

I guess this baby opossum is our new neighbor... he was walking around our back yard on Monday around 3pm. We think he had come out of hibernation for a snack break. It's hard to tell from the picture, but he is a little bigger than a squirrel. Adult opossums can get to be around the size a large cat. Usually baby animals are cute, not this animal!

When Ellison woke up from her nap she got to see him walking around our yard. We asked Elle if she thought the opossum wanted to go down her slide, she said "Yes" and thought that would be a great sight to see. But, he just wondered around and dug in the snow looking for some food.

-Later, we called my dad to tell him about the opossum in our yard. Elle talked to him, I told her to tell her Grampy what she saw in our back yard, she said "a hippo"!!!

check out some interesting facts about opossums here:


Jenny said...

Jerry could have fun with that animal in the back yard... Tell it to look out!

Jack is cute

Katie said...

Love Jack's hair... I don't think the opossum is ugly, I can't imagine one that small! We have a fox!